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2024 General Membership Meetings - Summary

The Federation currently meets on the 2nd Thursday

of each odd numbered month (Jan, Mar, May, etc)  unless a pressing issue surfaces!

Time: 7PM;  either virtually on ZOOM (link will be in monthly newsletter) 

or in-person at the Main Library on Goodwood. 

See each meeting date to determine meeting format and agenda

December:   No meeting scheduled,  enjoy the holidays and hope to see you again in 2025

Nov 14th  Tentative topics to discussed  This will be our in person "annual meeting" at the Bluebonnet Library (NOTE Change of Venue).  The agenda will include the election of 2025 Board directors (we will need a quorum or proxy for this item).   Also, we will have part 2 of our mini HOA workshop for 2024, focusing on board effectiveness and share updates on legislation impacting HOAs in 2025.  We will outline details about our 2025 membership drive (how it will work and the timeline) and discuss our meeting schedule for 2025.

Oct 10th  Topics Discussed:   This was a virtual meeting  This meeting was considered part 1 of our mini HOA Workshop for 2024.   The discussion also included introduction of the nominations for Directors for 2025 (to be voted on during the November annual meeting).  The discussion also included a reminder of upcoming City Parish events and a reminder to get out and vote.  A copy of the slide presentation is available at ==> October Meeting Presention.    To view a recording of the ZOOM meeting,  please see==>  October meeting recording

Sept 14th  This Saturday date will be the Mayor's Neighborhood Convention at the Rivercenter.  To register for this event please go to the following link ==>  EBRP Neighborhood Convention

Sept 7th   (No member meeting)... instead,  please consider attending the Sept 14th EBRP Neighborhood Convention

Aug 8th  Annual Stormwater Meeting - (anniversary month for 2016 floods)   Participants included guest Congressman Garret Graves,  US Army Corps of Engrs,  Director of Transportation and Drainage,   Director of Environmental Services,  HNTB Consulting Engrs,   EBRP Flood Plain Manager and director of MOHSEP.   This was an in person meeting at the Main Library.  Topics of discussion included:  1) status of activities underway to mitigate flooding and costs,  2) what remains to be completed (and cost),  3) how will this work be funded (and do we have approval)  4) how long will it take to complete the Stormwater Masterplan for EBRP,  5) preparations and response for parish flooding events.    Presentations are available at the following link==>   August Summit

July 11th   Topics Discussed:   This was a virtual meeting     Our guest speaker was BREC Superintendant Corey Wilson and he shared the proposed 10 year System Master Plan as well as the ad valorem tax renewal for the BREC system on November's ballot.    Also,  we discussed a number of HOA and Infrastructure workshops that the Federation is hosting during Q3-24 and activities the Federation will be working on for the next 30-90 days.  To view the recording of this meeting please click this link:   JULY 2024

Jun 13th  (no meeting currently scheduled for this month)   

May 9th   Topics Discussed  This was a virtual meeting.   Discussion included guest speaker Blane Jarreau (EBRP Tax Assessor - Chief Deputy) shared the upcoming (4 year) reassessment of properties throughout the parish.  To access the Assessor's office website,  click the following link:  EBRPA      Also, a vote on revisions to the Federation bylaws passed unanimously.   Shared a status update on the Legislative bills impacting HOAs as well as the recurring Federation business items.   To view the recording of this meeting,  please click the following link:  MAY 2024 MEETING PRESENTATION 

Apr 11th   Topics  Discussed:   This was a virtual meeting  Discussion included:  BRPD Police Chief TJ Morse shared his thoughts on the challenges BR faces,  along with solutions being implemented and how HOAs can help.  Other topics included a discussion on the status of Legislative bills impacting HOAs,  the introduction of revisions proposed to the Federation bylaws which will be voted on during the May meeting.   Additionally,  a brief update on some ongoing work for the design of a possible Neighborhood Convention,  a status update on the Membership campaign and the report out of the 2023 Financial Review findings/recommendations.  After the agenda topics were completed,   there was a general Q&A discussion about how to address violations of deed restrictions,  specifically for fences.   The relavent section of the UDC is 9.5.2.D.3 at linkFENCES.    To view the recording of this meeting,  please click the following link APR 2024 MEETING PRESENTATION

Mar 21st   Special meeting to discuss Plan of Govt proposal    This was a virtual meeting  Councilman Rowdy Gaudet shared a proposal going before the Metro Council on March 27th on proposed revisions to the EBRP Plan of Govt.   For more information,  please click this link to the City Parish website;     PLAN OF GOVT     To view the recording to this discussion,  please click the following meeting recording link;    PoG Recording

Mar 14th   Topics Discussed:   This was a virtual meeting.   Discussion included:  Adam Smith,  Dept of Env Services and Nathan Antione (RDI)  spoke on the out of cart (woody waste) requirements in preparation for the spring landscape cleaning.  We also discussed the status of 2024 membership campaign,  the 2024 Legislative session and numerous bills impacting HOAs,   the Helping Hands program in Pollard Estates and whats on the Spring ballot.   To view the meeting recording,  please click the following link:  Mar 2024 meeting presentation

Feb 8th  (no meeting held this month)

Jan 11th  Topics Discussed:  This was an in person meeting at the Main Library.  Shared the annual meeting structure & potential topics of interest,  introduced the 2024 Board of Directors,  presented the Year in Review summary of activities,  presented the Annual Operating Budget -  and obtained member approval,  presented 2 Federation Recognition Awards,  reviewed the annual Membership activities / timelines and shared the 2024 Focus areas for the Federation.  To view the slide presentation,  please click the following link:   Jan 2024 meeting presentation      


Ed Lagucki, President

(225) 315-1206


7515 Jefferson Hwy, #133

Baton Rouge,  LA 70806

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