Helpful Links to report problems
BR Government - Household Hazardous Waste Collection
BR Planning Commission - UDC Online
Complete Streets Vision & Policy Statement - 2014
EBR Department of Public Works (DPW)
IRS Info: Associations That Have Not Filed in Three Years - Form 1120-H
Next Door Neighborhood Private Social Network-Setup
1. Next Door Instructions.
2. Go to
3. In the Sign In box, click sign up, enter your email address and a password.
4. Hit Sign In and follow
Director of Transportation and Drainage, Fred Raiford.
Director of Development, Rachel Lambert.
Environmental Services, Adam Smith.
Maintenance Director, Reginald Brumfield.
Solid Waste Division, William Patrick, Manager.
Robert's Rules of Order Video Series on Parliamentary Procedure
Secretary of State - Annual Reports
To file an annual report using “geauxBIZ”:
1.Click Sign In, and then sign in to geauxBIZ.
If you are signing in for the first time, click. Create Account to create an account and verify
your email address. (Note you cannot proceed with the remaining steps without setting up an
account first.)
2. On your dashboard, click Getting Started.
3. Select File an amendment, such as an annual report, with the Louisiana Secretary of
State, and then click Next.
4. Enter your charter number, and then click Next.
5. On your business' details page, click File Annual Report.
6. Follow the instructions in geauxBIZ to complete your filing.